At How-to How our mission is to publish the most accurate and helpful how-to guides and reviews on our website. Our expert team of writers rigorously tests and fact-checks every product and service before posting a guide or review. We strive to keep all our guides and review articles up-to-date. Please let us know if you need any updated content on our website, and we will address it as soon as possible.
We adhere to strict journalistic ethics standards at How-to How. Our guides and reviews are based on our own opinions. We never have and never will accept money to publish a review article about a product or service. Furthermore, we never recommend products simply because we have an affiliate partnership with a brand or service. This policy also applies to guest posts from individuals seeking backlinks from Occasionally, we receive review units from manufacturers to provide our unbiased opinions on their products.
We do not accept money or any other form of payment for a review. If a company wishes to advertise or sponsor an article on our website, we publish it under the “Sponsored” category. Our marketing team writes these sponsored articles, while our editorial staff still needs to be more involved.
Why should you trust us?
Our website’s guides are well-researched and published by our team of experts, who have helped thousands of people fix their gadgets and get more out of them. We never get paid or accept payment to endorse any product or service. Our editorial team researches and tests the methods before sharing their advice with our readers.
Unlike other websites, we maintain affiliate partnerships with various brands. We may or may not receive a commission if you click a link to purchase a service or product online. However, our in-house editorial team handpicks all our recommendations, and they remain independent of our relationships with brands or service providers.