
According to the Dot Com Disclosure guideline of the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), website owners must disclose to their readers if they are making money through affiliate links or ads. We have have mentioned this on our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer pages.

Credibility & Trust

To keep our website running and cover our expenses, we place ads from Google Adsense and Mediavine. We understand that as a visitor, you may not like the bombardment of unrelated ads on a webpage. However, at HowtoHow.org, we place two to three ads per page, which might include a video ad. We will make sure that there will not be any pop-ups on our website.

Additionally, we also have affiliate relationships with the brands & online stores we mention in our articles. If you decide to buy a service or a product through our links, we might receive a small commission from the seller. However, this will not change the price for you; you will get the same deal whether you buy it through our affiliate link or not. Please do read the disclaimer policy page.

Furthermore, we want to clarify that we do not promote brands. Our main goal with How-to How is to provide you with the information you seek and get the best out of our service. Our relationship with the brands will not affect our opinions and reviews. However, our website primarily focuses on how-to guides, and we do not publish many reviews.

If there is any service or product you need help with, please use our contact form and let us know. It doesn’t matter if we make money out of it or not. We want to ensure our readers get the best out of the products and services they use.